Friday, December 7, 2012

Creating Info Products - The Lifeblood of Your Internet Marketing Business

If you want to have success with Internet marketing, one of the best business models is to focus on creating info products. This is the method the various gurus have focused on in order to have the success they've had. And it is common knowledge that the best way to succeed yourself, particularly when you don't have a clear path or blueprint set up already, is to follow in the footsteps, or "model", those who are in the position that you want and who have the level of success that you want to attain. As such, in this article I'm go over the important steps you need to take when creating your products so that you'll maximize your chances of success.

The first step to creating an information product is to find a niche market. A niche market is focused subject area that you will become the expert in order to market to a segment of the population who has interest in that area. There are many ways to find a good niche market to enter. Two of the easiest are to browse the ClickBank Marketplace, and to browse the "how to" type books on the best seller list of Amazon. For ClickBank, focus on products that have at least a 'gravity" score of 20, which is an indication of how many affiliate made sales for the given product with the last few weeks or month.

Now that you have your niche market, you'll want to start making your product. There are a number of ways to do this, including creating an eBook or perhaps an audio program. The quickest way to start is to create an audio program. Interview an expert, or you can interview yourself if you already have the knowledge. IF you don't have the knowledge in the area already, it will take longer to make the interview because you'll have to educate yourself first. If you just interview an expert, you can literally have the product complete in an hour or so. There isn't a quicker way to make a product. And the great thing is that you don't even have to create the content for the product, the expert is doing it for you by answering the interview questions. To find good interview questions, visit niche forums and take note of the type of questions they answer. These will be examples of questions that people in the market want answers to, so you should ask your expert some of those questions, in addition to more generic ones such as "How did you become interested in this area?"

Once you have your product ready, you'll want to build a website to sell your product on. This can be done using WordPress. Figuring out the technical aspects of setting up your product can take a while in the beginning, but once you learn it, it will only take minutes to set up again in the future.

Once you have our product website up, you'll need to write a sales letter. You can make copywriting as difficult or as easy as you want. I don't think you should get bogged down worrying about this in the beginning. Just get a sales letter up. Over time, you'll become better, but it won't happen overtime. This is probably the skill that takes the longest to master of all skills in Internet marketing. So to make things easier, just use a push button sales letter product like the one made by Marlon Sanders.

Next, you'll need traffic. Without traffic, your website won't sell anything. There are dozens of traffic techniques, article marketing is my favorite because it is easy to learn, it is free, and it continues to work for years at a time.

How To Build An Apple App   The Easiest Way to Start (and Finish) a Project   Repurposing: Getting The Most Mileage From Your Content   Online Business Startup Plan: The Key Factors to Have in Mind   

Quality Or Quantity - Which Should You Go For?

The quality vs. quantity debate really boils down to what you're actually talking about. It's very situational. If you have seven children to feed and ten dollars in your pocket, the dollar menu at Taco Bell start to look pretty good, but would you take the girl that you've been courting for a year to Taco Bell on your first date?

Probably not, you'd probably go somewhere with a nice table, a linen table-cloth, waiters and waitresses, basically that same ten dollars wouldn't even cover the tip.

So let me first define what I'm talking about. For the remainder of this article I'm going to be referring to content. Content for your business, whether through blog posts, email marketing, article marketing, offers you make to your customers, meetings and seminars that you hold with valued employees and customers, basically anything associated with your business.

Since we've focusing on the business, let me first stress that anything memorialized as written or spoken words are a reflection of your business and in the case of the small business entrepreneur, it's a reflection on you!

So when it comes down to my personal business, I'll always strive for quality rather than quantity. I'd rather have three meaningful articles a week on my website, giving information that people can actually use or that makes people think than striving to hit a certain number of posts per week. You probably will start off OK but once you start to fall behind, quality usually takes a hit.

The same holds true when I'm working on a product to sell or preparing to talk at a meeting or seminar. The quality of the information is what I'm referring to.

I'm not necessarily saying that you need to go absolutely crazy with the production of your product. Remember it's the quality of information that's important here. Let's say you putting together a series of videos that teach someone how to accomplish a certain goal. I'd rather create a no BS series of videos shot with an amateur video camera that explain and demonstrate exactly how to accomplish the goal you set out to accomplish in the least amount of time than spend a tremendous amount of time editing and playing around with the production of the videos.

This accomplishes 2 things:

First, you are giving people exactly what they want. If you can accomplish your goal in 4 hour-long videos then people will appreciate not having to watch 6 hours of video (where 2 hours are pretty much all fluff.) I'm not saying you shouldn't have your personally shine through and tell stories that relate to the work at hand. I'm just saying don't get caught up with the quantity, stick to providing quality information in the least amount of time necessary.

Second, by quality I mean quality information, don't get caught up with making your videos (or whatever type of products you're creating) look like a Hollywood production. Either you know how to do this or you don't. If you're doing the editing work yourself then you'll probably end up spending a lot of time adding no real value to your project. This usually raises the costs because you need the software necessary to edit video plus you need to factor in your time. This is time you could have spent planning your next project.

If you don't know how to professionally edit videos then you'll have to hire someone. Again, this will run costs up and you're not really adding too much value.

At the end of the day you'll have to pass the costs down your customers which may prevent someone from buying. (Everyone has that price point in their heads where it's just too expensive for their brains to make the purchase.) So keeping costs down on the production side with either help keep the costs to your customers down or it can raise your margins dramatically. (You'll have to test various price points)

My point is quality content is king. Quality that doesn't really add value will end up costing you in the end.

Well, that's my take on the quality vs. quantity debate. For anything related to me, where my name or my business is associated with the product, I'm going to err on the side of quality. I just think of what I'd rather have; 10 pieces of content a day that offers very little value or that one piece of content that really makes you think or that really teaches you something valuable.

Personally I don't have the time for fluff, I prefer quality.

Please let me know your opinions, everyone has one, what's yours?

How To Build An Apple App   The Easiest Way to Start (and Finish) a Project   Repurposing: Getting The Most Mileage From Your Content   Uncovering New Money Making Ideas Online   

Make Profits Soar by Creating Your Own Product

Earning a commission, or a percentage of the sale, is a common way of compensating someone that sells a product for another person or enterprise. Many online entrepreneurs can make a nice living promoting the sale of products for others and thereby earning commissions from others. This is at the heart of affiliate marketing on the web.

There is however a significant difference between earning a nice living and generating profits that you could only imagine in your wildest dreams. One's effort to sell for others leaves the lion's share of the profits going to the principle, not to the salesperson. When you promote products for others, you make some good money - but the product owner is the one that gets rich.

By creating and marketing your own successful products, the profit potential will far surpass any efforts made to just sell alone. This is because you will be the one to receive all of the profits from the sale (less any commissions that you pay "your" army of affiliate marketers now working in your behalf).

If you sell a $200 product for someone else and make 50%, then you get $100. But if you sell a $200 product on your own, then you're doubling your profit. Not only that, but you can sign up other people to sell for you, pay them a commission - and you're earning effortlessly as they do all of the marketing work that delivers targeted traffic!

An even better option is to write an eBook as you will be able to place affiliate links, or links to other profit generating applications within the eBook. Making money on the web isn't about who works the hardest, it's all about who works the smartest!

Unfortunately, there is a big difference between knowing "what" to do and actually "doing it." If the description above for how to make money on the web was all there was to it, we would all be making a fortune on the internet. Alas, simply showing up isn't enough to be able to get ahead. This becomes clear when one looks at a real life scenario that happens more often that one can imagine i.e. like someone on the job for 10 years getting passed over for promotion and seeing the new hire land the position.

Creating a product and getting it up for sale on your site doesn't have to take that long. You can have an eBook finished in a day, a week, a month, or more depending on how fast you write. Create a perfect balance of info product development and affiliate marketing for the maximum return on your investment of time and effort.

Give people something that they can really use and you will generate repeat customers. By writing in a friendly informative manner, your eBooks and other products will help you to gain a good reputation as a problem solver and other's will continue to seek out your services as a solution to their problems.

How To Build An Apple App   The Easiest Way to Start (and Finish) a Project   Repurposing: Getting The Most Mileage From Your Content   Online Business Startup Plan: The Key Factors to Have in Mind   How to Easily Make Niche Information Products Even If You Have No Knowledge of the Niche   

Creating Information Products to Build An Online Business - Product Ideas Are Closer Than You Think

Creating your own information products to sell on the Internet can be a creative outlet for you, as well as a way to get started with your own online business. We all have areas of expertise, whether it is from specialized training we've gone through, formal education, a job, life interests and experiences, or a situation within our own family. All of these experiences are possible topics for info products that will help other people to solve a particular problem you have the answers to. Think about what you love to do, the jobs and trainings you have gone through, and any special circumstances you have had to deal with during your lifetime.

I used to live to take pictures. Photography was a huge part of my life, but over the years I became more interested in other things. For the past several years I've just used an automatic digital camera. Now I am reviving that old interest and turning it into a niche I can create information products in. Because I got started with this topic more than twenty years ago to begin with, I will include information and details about the historical perspective of photography within my new products. Think about something you love to do, whether you are doing it currently or not, and decide if this is an area you can pursue for an online business.

All of us have had jobs and education related to the work we do. My training is in the areas of public school teaching and real estate appraisal. I could create products on helping kids with homework, dealing with your child's teacher, or how to become a real estate appraiser in less than one year. These are all areas I am extremely knowledgeable about, even though I have not worked actively in these fields for several years.

Personal situations sometimes make the best info products. If you are dealing with cancer, have a family member with diabetes, or are raising an autistic child, these are areas that you have become an expert in, and there are people all over the world who will benefit from the information you can share with them.

Once you have chosen your topic, make an outline that includes everything you would like to include in the product you create. Decide whether it should be written out, such as in an eBook, or whether it would be best as an audio. A combination of formats sometimes works very well, allowing people to consume your information in different ways.

As you can see, creating your own information product and coming up with subject matter is easily within your reach.

How To Build An Apple App   The Easiest Way to Start (and Finish) a Project   Repurposing: Getting The Most Mileage From Your Content   Uncovering New Money Making Ideas Online   New Product Ideas In 3 Easy Steps   Online Business Startup Plan: The Key Factors to Have in Mind   

Why Produce Your Own Products to Increase Sales

If you want to learn about the benefits of producing your own product, then you'll want to read this article. Specifically we'll discuss branding your name, promoting your product and creating an ebook. Creating an eBook is a simple way to sell your knowledge instead of someone else's. After reading this article, you should be able to promote and create your first product in no time.

Brand Building

Branding is basically the image that you put out to the market. Using your name as your blog domain name will brand you. The more exposure your name gets, the more people will want to research you and find their way to your blog.

One of the best ways to brand your name is to produce your own products to increase sales. Why continue to promote affiliates programs and only get a portion of the commission? Produce your own product and you can keep 100% of the profit.

Entering into a joint venture will help you both get twice as much exposure. Begin creating a product together. Twice the exposure equals increased sales.

Start Promoting Before You Start Creating

If you are just starting out and do not have a list, it will take time to get your name branded. Therefore, start promoting as soon as you get an idea. No one will be able to buy if they do not know about your information product.

Choose your domain name and create a blog. Write a couple posts to your blog every few days. By the time you are ready to start producing your product, your blog will be indexed. Visitors will fill out your opt in form and receive emails leading up to the release of your product.

Once you publish your product, you will have an audience of potential buyers ready with credit card in hand.

Creating Your First Product

Some people are put off by the thought of having to write their own product. You may be thinking you can't do it but actually it is not that hard at all. If you have knowledge of a subject then you can write your own product.

Write an eBook about a subject be it a hobby or what you do for a living. These should be your first choice to write about. Write about your passion or what motivates you to help others.

Image you are talking to a close friend or colleague and explaining it to them. Begin by writing down a few notes and you can expand on the content later. Simply write about what you know about and the words will begin to flow naturally.

Producing your own products boils down to 3 simple steps: plan it, produce it, and sell it. Create a marketing plan and complete your daily tasks. Not only will you eliminate procrastination, but you will give your product the best chance of success.

Start promoting your ideas and increase your sales. Create an eBook about something you have experienced and want to share with your readers. Producing your own product will set you apart from the crowd and be considered a leader. Put on your thinking caps and start sharing your knowledge today!

How To Build An Apple App   The Easiest Way to Start (and Finish) a Project   Repurposing: Getting The Most Mileage From Your Content   How to Easily Make Niche Information Products Even If You Have No Knowledge of the Niche   

Nano Continuity Membership Sites - Top 5 Reasons They Rock!

One of the hottest (and most lucrative) trends in membership sites today is Nano Continuity - low-cost, minimal-content membership sites. Why are so many people abandoning traditional membership sites and creating this type? Here are five reasons:

1. Easy to create and maintain

Because the content necessary to start and run a Nano Continuity membership site is minimal, you can usually create your site in less than a day. And if you can create the site in such a short period of time, maintaining it takes even less time! Usually, you can create a month's worth of content in just a few hours!

2. Inexpensive to create and maintain

While creating a full-blown membership site will run you at least a few hundred dollars, creating and maintaining a Nano Continuity site can be as inexpensive as registering a domain name and e-mail address! And even if you have to spring for web hosting (which you don't always have to), you can still run your site for just a few dollars per month!

3. Low monthly price means low barrier of resistance

One of the hardest parts of getting new members for our full-blown sites is getting them to take the first step and do the initial sign up. That's why we have to give away so much just to get them in. With a Nano Continuity membership site, that isn't a problem. The registration price is so low, the barrier of resistance is practically non-existent. AND, with such a low price, you don't have to give away everything else you have, either. That means, you can save it for later... and maybe even make money by actually selling it to them!

4. It also means increased retention rates

Members usually drop out of full-blown sites for two reasons... Either they aren't getting to the site enough to feel like they're getting their money's worth, or they can't get through all of the content on the site and feel like they aren't getting their money's worth. If you understand how Nano Continuity Membership Sites work, you can see how they naturally overcome both of these problems. The low cost and low content amounts make it easier for Members to get the most out of the site... or at least not worry as much if they aren't.

5. Can create multiple sites in the same niche

By keeping the monthly content low, you can create several Nano Continuity Membership Sites within the same niche. Each site simply delivers a different type of content. You can divide the content by topic (say, marketing content in one site, sales scripts in another) or media (videos on one site,.pdfs on another).

If Nano Continuity isn't part of your business yet, you could be missing out on a fantastic revenue stream!

How To Build An Apple App   The Easiest Way to Start (and Finish) a Project   Repurposing: Getting The Most Mileage From Your Content   New Product Ideas In 3 Easy Steps   Online Business Startup Plan: The Key Factors to Have in Mind   How to Easily Make Niche Information Products Even If You Have No Knowledge of the Niche   

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